There is always a question to the employees on how to select the right subordinate without hesistation and regret at the end of the day, it is simple, according to George ONG it is the greatest challenge of a HR manager of HR department.
we can choose the coming candidates to the companies, in selection process, a job interview is the most important element in recruiting process. traditionally, the candidates may practice all the common question like "tell me about yourself", "what is you major weakness and strength" , although they have answered the question perfectly, it doesn't mean that those candidates is good enough,
Employers also may use variety of method such questionaire like IQ test, personality test, this has some specific purpose to look for the best person to suit the job vacancies as much as possible. all the results could be subjective and there is no right or wrong to the answers.
As to test the new subordinates/ employees capabilitites, the employers also impose a job probations for 3 to 6 months, sometimes up to 1 year, this is for them to identify wheather they have hired the wrong person or other way round. the author of the article have suggested HR consultants may assess personality through the study of finger prints. as the patterns in finger prints are all identical and can never be changed ever, the finger prints patterns on our actual behaviour, what are they thinking , what are our reasoning factors, how we express ourselves, what is our sense of touch, how good are we with the music and language,and how sensitive are we with the objects.
There are a lots of variety and method on how employers may choose the right subordinates in right job position, such a recomendation, survey call, resume@ curriculum vitae, experience and many more, finger prints study is one of new method for the boss to know their prospect staff...

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