Positive All The Way...!
Just Cheers n glory glory all the way to success...!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
n Wireless
http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Computer_Science/2008/wireless_networks_explained.asp http://kbserver.netgear.com/kb_web_files/N100688.asp
n Relation Between HRM & IT
n Recruit the right person for the right job
http://EzineArticles.com/3935381Saturday, November 19, 2011
Distance Learning in Malaysia

- What is Distance Learning??
- Why Distance Learning??
- Who uses Distance Learning??
- How the learning process in Distance Learning??
- What Institutions we may choose in Distance Learning??
By definition, Distance Learning is process of transferring knowledge to learners(students) who are separated from the instructor(teacher) by time and/or physical distance and are making use of technology - in short it is a learning process but both or learners and instructor did not meet face to face using technologies facilities like internet (e-learning, email, video confrencing, etc), cd's, power points and other sorts of technologies. Did you know distance learning also have long time applied in Malaysia, for example, UPSR student may do their exercise using newspaper, like from Berita Harian newpaper in Didik Column, and for SPM student Skor A columns. Most of the student especially choose this method due to the restraint from time, work commitment, and geographical factors.
Today, Higher education is a necessity for those who wish to work and prosper in an economy that us becoming dependant not sheer muscle power, but on brain power. Today, the workforce is rewarded for how well and how fast problem are detected and solves" (Saba, Ph.D, 2001)
From the saying above, in this new modernisation era, all of us must realise that how important education to us, it may makes us confident, convinient, and most importantly it wont fade but still more to discover as times goes by. to cope with that in Malaysia, most of the people who have their commitment will choose PJJ or distance learning to catch up with their education up-to-date. As for local universities, UiTM is one of the universities that also offering a lot of facilities in distance lerning.More example: University of Phoenix
Due to distance learning is very flexible, it has reversed the dynamics of learning which means the learners that set the time in their learning process (for example they will take about 30minutes of their lunch time only for e-learning purpose.). it have been used by all level of ages and and carrier position from high school students, higher education students, military, public servants,to those who pursuing continuing education, corporate training, and life long learning. Distance learning purpose is to to reach underserved and advanced students, in different location, it also have been used to save on the cost of training and to offer training to students in remote locations.
E-learning an innovative approach in terms of learning and teaching, student would determine the time, place and teaching mode that are suitable with your needs and lifestyle. It is the latest technology that have been used in distance leaning almost from all over the world. It has becoming the logical way on learning by evolving information and communcation technologies. Student may participating in online discussion and chat sessions with fellow students, students completing team projects by meeting together in teams on the same website, at scheduled times, students may complete homework assignments independently at home and submit them electronically to their isnstructors, student use online research tools, and student also could ask questions via e-mail, online chat or telephone calls.
Distance have been an alternatives to all that given the opportunity to everybody to enhance their life quality by offering variety of advanced learning technology..

Saturday, November 12, 2011
Basic task in HR department...
There is always a question to the employees on how to select the right subordinate without hesistation and regret at the end of the day, it is simple, according to George ONG it is the greatest challenge of a HR manager of HR department.
we can choose the coming candidates to the companies, in selection process, a job interview is the most important element in recruiting process. traditionally, the candidates may practice all the common question like "tell me about yourself", "what is you major weakness and strength" , although they have answered the question perfectly, it doesn't mean that those candidates is good enough,
Employers also may use variety of method such questionaire like IQ test, personality test, this has some specific purpose to look for the best person to suit the job vacancies as much as possible. all the results could be subjective and there is no right or wrong to the answers.
As to test the new subordinates/ employees capabilitites, the employers also impose a job probations for 3 to 6 months, sometimes up to 1 year, this is for them to identify wheather they have hired the wrong person or other way round. the author of the article have suggested HR consultants may assess personality through the study of finger prints. as the patterns in finger prints are all identical and can never be changed ever, the finger prints patterns on our actual behaviour, what are they thinking , what are our reasoning factors, how we express ourselves, what is our sense of touch, how good are we with the music and language,and how sensitive are we with the objects.
There are a lots of variety and method on how employers may choose the right subordinates in right job position, such a recomendation, survey call, resume@ curriculum vitae, experience and many more, finger prints study is one of new method for the boss to know their prospect staff...

Friday, November 11, 2011
UiTM & ME...
I study in Universiti Teknologi Mara, Melaka City Campus. there are a list of item that makes me proud to be selected to be part of UiTM ...One of it, KBM is the biggest city campus among other brances of UiTM, other..than that it is the only public university in Malaysia that only allowed our Bumiputera to study here. It has the quality teaching method that can compete with other public and private university in Malaysia, our beloved Vice Chancellor, Prof Datuk Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar is the first asian that receive an honorary doctorate degree in engineering from Stuggart University Germany. It is a stimulation boost for UiTM citizen to make our VC as a good role model. etc
There is a lot of challenge as for me before i became part of UiTM,`I have to enrolled my diploma in private college, because previously i don't have the opportunity but then I am really grateful that finally I get the opportunity to further my degree level in UiTM, Melaka. I will use this chance preciously...! because insyaAllah, in Allah wills, I will graduate as a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honors) Human Resource Management.
MI BM223 1A, is the name of the group that I have been assign from the Faculty of Business Management. I found its hard for me to suit myself in the class for the first time, but as time goes by, it goes more smoothly as all the classmates really friendly and they make me like part of the family now.

I hope we are together for the next 3 years we in UiTM, Melaka City Campus.
I Love Wireless

Wireless data communication has been the driving force in the 21st century, as we go to some particular venue and we may detect some strong connection, it called as Hotspots where location of wireless data services are available, for your information world-wide growth rate is 350% a year and by 2010 revenue from hotspots will exceeds RM12 billion. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) essentially identical to standard lacal area network (LAN). a computers on WLAN must have wireless network interface cards.
Do we realise where ever we go back and forth there are always a wireless network available. Have we ever thought How Wireless Works??? >> we will discuss on how it transmits signals without wires over the air or on in space. Basically the wireless operates using radio frequency technology (RF), which means a frequency within a electromagnetic spectrum associated with radio propagation. when an RF current is supply to antenna, an elctromagnetic field is created that then is able to propragate through space. The cornerstone of a wireless network is a device known as an access point(AP) the primary job of an access point is to broadcast a wireless signal that computers can detetct and tune into. An Access point also often serves a link to the resources available on the wires network, such as internet connection.
What are Radio Waves, ; it is when electric current passes through a wire it can creates a magnetic field around the wire - as magnetic radiates, creates an electromagnet radio waves that spreads out through space in all direction, radio waves can travel long distances, and can penetrate non-metallic objects. WLAN's use digital transmissions because digital signals are discrete (solely @ separate and distinct) and more stable.
now we moved to ...
Wireless technologies and Device that used WiFi
Relations between HRM & IT